RB12 Workout Program

  • 12-Minute Resistance Band Workouts (*bands not included)

  • Anywhere. Anytime. Easy to follow. No Excuses.

  • Scalable from beginner to advanced trainee.

RB12 Workout Program

  • 01

    RB12 Workout Program

    • Welcome!

    • RB12 Workbook

    • RB12 Quickstart Guide

  • 02

    Getting Started

    • RB12 Setup

    • Program Overview

    • Scheduling

  • 03

    Workout A

    • Workout A: Details

    • Workout A: Walkthrough

  • 04

    Workout B

    • Workout B: Details

    • Workout B: Walkthrough

  • 05

    Workout C

    • Workout C: Details

    • Workout C: Walkthrough

  • 06

    Exercise Library

    • Pushups

    • Chest Press

    • Chest Flies

    • Military Press

    • Triceps Extensions

    • Split Squat

    • Front Squat

    • Deadlift

    • Calf Raises

    • Back Rows

    • Pullovers

    • Bicep Curls

    • RB Ab Crunches

    • Abs

    • Planks

  • 07

    Workout Secrets Series

    • Workout Secrets: Overview

    • Muscle Building 101

    • Muscle Marathon

    • Muscle Groups

    • Form and Technique

    • Frequency

    • Volume

    • Repetitions

    • Rest

    • Workout Progression - Stage 1

    • Workout Progression - Stage 2

    • Dietary Progression - Part 1

    • Dietary Progression - Part 2

    • Meal Timing

    • Supplements

    • Cardio

    • Muscle Mindset

  • 08

    Next steps

    • Congrats! Next Steps...

Workout Secrets Series

  • Muscle Building Secrets

    Discover the secrets to maximizing your workout results in this 17 video series. Your workouts will never be the same.

  • Workout Secrets

    Learn how to change 4 aspects of your workouts to pack on muscle, enhance your metabolism, and reshape your body.

  • Nutrition Secrets

    Discover how to manipulate macronutrients, meal timing, and supplements to enhance results.

RB12 Workout Program

You need to do resistance training to maximize your health and fitness. But it doesn't have to take endless hours in the gym. You can maximize results in minimum time from almost anywhere with the RB12 Workout Program.